Wednesday, March 11, 2020

officially corona scared (71/365d)

stopped by school in the morning, to check in on a tantrum "situation" that felix had yesterday. the teacher had to send the post-heft home with theodore yesterday because felix had refused to take it. brian met on the way back and we did some little chores around the house. we didn't have our wednesday date and nina comes over for coffee.

the corona virus craziness started today..... everything is getting cancelled right and left.  theodore complained that it was the “Dang blasted corona virus” ...... Felix on the other hand said they played a "corona virus game" at school, which was a like tag with two people being "it" and if you touch someone and shout "corona" that kid had to fall down dead and then two other kids could bring them back to life. freeze-tag with a rather morbid side.

brian took the kids to judo and found the landessportzentrum closed until further notice. so he went to the playground, and i met them there picking up my bike from the shop. another 140dollars for another year of awesome bike riding.

i convinced them to try the last few minutes at asp, where theodore and i (together) played the "austria" monopoly.... so cute, you can buy places in vienna (the most expensive) and linz. theodore didn't know anything about monopoly, but i think it's nearly time for that one.

headed out today to a rehearsal with the buffaloes. it went ok, but i didn't fix some problems from last rehearsal - i'm embarassed to say i had forgotten all about them in the mess of being sick.

It's been weeks since I baked any bread, and today i started sourdough for the first time in a long time..... and it's still alive.... i'm so happy
small step for mankind

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