Sunday, March 8, 2020

magnificent men and their flying machines (68/365d)

So happy to find a note from the coffee fairy
turns out there's a secret decalking procedure they deliberately leave out of the delonghi manual
not cool
but very cool that centa got the info from ingrid
...put it in the manual
Wonderful reading morning, where I read nearly all of the Fantastic Mr Fox (a book I don't particularly like, but nobody asked me) aloud, except for 3 chapters in the middle where I fell asleep on the floor. still not all the way recuperated! We waited at home until Manuela arrived to drop off some stuff for temporary storage on her way out to darmstadt. 

Then we headed to the seifenfabrik to see beautifully crafted models of DaVinci inventions. Brian ran there and we took the bus. He beat us by quite some time. We looked at everything once quickly and then our favorites in more detail. 

Brian tries his hand at flying in place
Henry found his model
marbles represent water, how pretty
We went to eat at "parks" quickly before Theodore and Henry had to dash away to Konigskinder ... they had to leave extra early because there was a women's day demonstration which meant the trams couldn't go about town. We watched the parade/protest/rally/demo start, and march past us, waving banners in a very organized (and comically lethargic) way.

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