Thursday, March 26, 2020

BEETLES (86/365d)

It was snowing this morning..... i was awoken with the great news that homework had *already* been done, and they were watching charlie chaplin's 1a.m. like i had promised them yesterday .... i announed that this was the ONE time in their lives they could ever see the center of graz so empty and covered in snow in broad daylight, so we just HAD to go walk to see it. i was wrong. it was about as empty as a normal sunday and snow wasn't sticking or even really falling. still really nice to walk as a family. we brought hats and pretty coats for modeling and i got my camera out

beatles/beetles seems to be the theme of the day (see below)
for sure there was less shopping than normal days, and way less traffic.

where should i go?
raced home to get there in time for another webinar, drew some animals and played some cards. theodore had a whatsapp violin "lesson" (10 minutes of tips)

then centa finished a true masterpiece of a cake
for the wedding that's not happening on saturday :(
and i joined nina at her colleague's wikipedia editing evening event. i made myself a user-page. ... two user pages even - one for de and one for en.

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