Sunday, March 29, 2020

so many roses, no thorns (89/365d)

So many roses.
Basically no thorns (except for a bit of brambly squabbling and prickery bickering among the kids)

I woke up with still a headache so I took a long bath and hid from everyone the whole morning. Then Brian and I shared a drink on the bench in the sun and started doing lots of yard work. Henry helped with the sledge hammer and the axe, which was pretty adorable.

Brian ran up the plabutsch.

we sent videos of organ practicing to their teacher
I did yoga.

We had cake and teatime after practicing.

We sang milk and honey's halleluja in all various ways Centa suggested: like a sleepy snake, and love-sick cat, a sad duck, an opera singer, a happy chicken.... very funny.

After everyone had a bath and was ready for bed, Centa read stories.

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