Friday, March 20, 2020

mad at the coffee for spilling (80/365d)

At 8am I started recording for our new quintet project to try to get done by 10am. It was a bit tricky, I had to balance my camera on a "tripod" made out of 500g of yeast, the game battlesheep and a stepstool. I had to manually focus, manually level, etc. and when I was nearly done, checking the recording, i knocked into a cable and catapulted my coffee on...... pretty much everything ....
really really stupid set-up
or as centa has taught my kids, to avoid "stupid"
Things I can try to ruin by spilling half a cup of coffee ...

X my viola
X my bow
X my lens
X my brand new battery
X my camera
X my cell phone
X my microphone
X my sheetmusic
X a very difficult to clean step-stool
X some books
X a memory card

O some dirty socks on the floor
O a lone lens cap cover
O a closed make up jar

I didn't even hear the doorbell when Nina came by to wave over the fence.
Centa drank coffee at the windows with the neighbors...

enjoying the sunshine
and me and the kids went to the farmers market. We bought some vogerlsalat (cobb salad) to plant in our garden and some to eat right away. theodore helped me plant them, and henry helped me do the crossword puzzle that the little plants were wrapped in. then we started some radishes together.

when brian got done with work we went for a family walk on the Mur and there were so many people out and about, and also carefully keep a meter apart from one another. we stopped past kalvarienberg and skipped stones.
from brian's phone
we played several family bridge hands at home with very good bidding from my children.

then got some skype-catchup with mary and papa while centa continued her embroidery project.

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