Wednesday, March 25, 2020

paid for by irma's propaganda ministry (85/365d)

up til past 4am this morning, just because
kids let me sleep a bit in the morning,
definitely a rose for my day that henry came and did homework in my bed.
i got up just in time for the webinar and the kids were drawing various stick-figure people all day....
expectar patronum (theodore drew harry potter)
despite the webinar teacher saying she wouldn't draw harry potter
because of copyright issues

centa with her name (from felix)
and her portrait (from henry)
 theodore and i went for a bike ride to the train station to mail some things. way long line out the door.... a meter or so between people, not just to protect people from the virus, but from each other - they were all seriously cranky. theodore and i also dropped by his friends house to drop off a postcard.

agnes had a great concert that she live-streamed from slovenia into our livingroom, and we all danced along (peter and rainer in thailand, uncle ludwig in manchester, and all of us here. we were very greatful that david had taught us about meet. great program for just that purpose.

we planned our silent movie that we will make.... soon.

i'm quite amused by various corona-related mistakes. tons of terrible statistics etc.

but these new corona ads make me laugh .... weird little things like this. and this. and this. (the first one is just bad timing, ikea didn't know about corona when they made this)
"this spring, everything is allowed" ad by ikea
... except nothing is allowed.
Side-bar advertisement while I was scrolling online at 3am
perfect weapon against a virus!

China Focus from the Beijing Review
ad in the Economist
I hope the editors thought this was a joke.
fleabag at night with centa and drinks she made with ingredients left from her dung-beetle cake creation (more on that tomorrow)

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