Friday, March 6, 2020

i missed yoga so very much! (66/365d)

My first yoga class from the VolksHochSchule at the ArbeiterKammer ..... I go with Brigitta and her friend Barbara (who also lives on the gg) ... when i got there the teacher seemed familiar, and then i realized she had one taught my favorite yoga lady anne's class when she had just finished her training, and she had been very nervous. i asked her about that, and she said that had been her first class ever. i still don't really like her style that much, but that doesn't mean i can't get lots out of the class. it just made me miss anne, because of course, with the same training they say a lot of the same things, only for whatever strange reason, Anne's way is better. With her, at some point in every session, everybody in the room spontaneously laughed. Brigitta and her friend were very impressed that I already knew the yoga teacher - but Graz is just really really small! 

The bike ride home was in sleet and freezing rain, and I got home and somehow thought the rain on my hair and face looked super cool.
but it doesn't really
i was exhausted though - I'm not really quite better yet, so i slept the afternoon away, and woke up when theodore and henry got back from their stadtegg orchestra rehearsal, just in time for bedtime.

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