Tuesday, March 17, 2020

que sera sera (77/365d)

can there be a better weekday morning than bridge and "homework"? i doubt it.

i was so proud of my bread. henry even wrote about it in his journal. he said it "looked really good" .... but i asked him how it *tasted* and he said "also really good.
perfect bread. really. actually perfect.
we had a surprise covert visit from nina - we stayed in the garden. officially we thought we would just wave, but changed our minds when we just couldn't leave the gate closed and between us.

we cleaned out the gutter - a production involving centa high up on the ladder, me holding, and felix and henry really actively cleaning it all up and putting the yucky stuff in the compost trash so they could play football as SOON as possible afterwards. They worked for nearly an hour like that.

quintet started a new remote playing project, where we recording "que sera sera" ... took a little longer because i had to wait for olena to record her part. we wanted to put it on youtube at 6pm but we were too late. tomorrow.
nick's singleton earring from brazil is useful to wear while playing viola
because it doesn't get in the way on the left side. 

we practiced stattegg music in trio/quartet form with centa, very fun - except now i have a blister on thumb from jazz pizzicato on steel strings. And the last of Henry's homework was to interview his grandmother, so he did that. It was pretty cute to watch, but I wanted to hear too!
henry with Grossmutter
Theodore's been diligently keeping his "Corona Journal" - I'm thrilled to see him making himself stick to writing... While Brian read stories theodore wrote a few sentences. But I am NOT allowed to read.

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