Sunday, March 15, 2020

quarantine music (75/365d)

these days are turning into the ultimate luxury of having infinite time to spend and having nowhere to go. so much easy going relaxing.
i even got a chance to nearly fully catch up on my blog (i hate being behind! - maybe i can leave being behind behind!)

everything seems magical, even taping music for the stattegg orchestra into the correct order (about 30 minutes of work for each theodore and henry) ..... we just took our time and were inventive with our taping and sat by the heater with tea.

felix requested an early morning family football game, and we obliged until the ball went into the gutters. oops.

at 6pm there was a city-wide (mary said also in slovenia, so i guess it was much bigger) campaign to play music with the windows open so other people could open their windows and join in.  we did our part, but the others mostly didn't, except ingrid who watched us mangle corelli and then bravely played half of alle-meine-entchen no her recorder. she suggested we try upstairs so the sound would carry better - so we did, and sang three part canons out of three windows and "goodnight irene" we finally got into the groove with some fiddle music and percussion instruments, but i'm pretty sure we were the only ones who cared. still fun.

we were the only ones with an open window on the street side
super grandpapa and grossmutter skype chat afterward - they are home from florida and are planning all their online classes... official corona diet: beans, onions and garlic, because... why not.

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