Wednesday, March 18, 2020

already we make appointments(78/365d)

Another completely relaxed day ..... no shopping, no plans, no trips, no appointments - I don't mind at all!

 ...well, we had one appointment, a stick-figures drawing webinar recommended by nina. it was pretty fun. we have them every morning this week for half an hour.

we read robin hood (twice! one section in the early morning with coffee and oatmeal and one on the bench in the sun after convincing felix to change his clothes into something cooler. his ears were hot outside, but putting on shorts just *wouldn't help*) They switched right back into soccer, and Felix really scraped up his knee and elbow and cried for a long time, and we snuggled in his bed and i read to him from the wonder clock.

...ok, so we had two appointments...
highlight of the day was talking to grandpapa and mary and making hot cross buns with henry. grandpapa read us betty crocker's recipe. mary didn't bake, she's sick and agnes was over at the neighbor.

Didi Patz watching Henry listen to Grandpapa's instructions
While those were in the oven, we practiced. theodore got some extra times through his violin stuff - first with me, as usual and then with centa too, so i got to enjoy just listening for a change.

deBeriot's Cantabile Grazioso
when that was done..... so were the things in the oven, so we had tea and hot cross buns
finished hot cross buns, still hot so i had to take the picture fast
Fun hit of the day - despite all the drawing from the webinar, ruler and compass drawings were the super-bestest fun today.
working together
working alone

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