Friday, March 27, 2020

impossible to film today (87/365d)

failed to make my video for quintet today. i wanted to in the morning but couldn't make the living room work for me (it was precarious at best last time)

after he was mostly done with work brian got all the kids out of the house for a nice long bike ride leaving me with this set-up
this was the least precarious i could manage to make it
but i was essentially too shy to play very properly outside with the neighbors hanging out in the sun on their balconies, and the noise of the street and people walking by also interfered with the shots. then i tried upstairs, but i ran out of energy and light. i told klaus on the phone that i thought everyone would need therapy after this quarantine. seriously, i have not yet felt the lack of space and resources until i realize i can barely move.

with the kids i cleaned and cleaned. we did one bridge hand, 3 minutes of cleaning, one bridge hand 3 minutes of cleaning.... and it made a HUGE difference. i was proud of them for working with me.
then i got brian to reattach the door of our kitchen cabinet that felix had broken in anger.

and felix helped with it.

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