Monday, March 30, 2020

Kadenza for two (90/365d)

TaDa! I am herewith a composer.

I spent the day composing, and have entered it into a local contest. Let's see. I was so excited about a piece I had in my head last year, that I dreamed. It was for viola and cello. Then I wrote stuff out, and tried it with Mary over Christmas and I didn't like it at all, and it was (nearly) impossible to play. Then I saw there was a composition competition (say that three times fast!) and it was for string duos... Strange. But NO violas..... So I tried rewriting, and it just got worse and worse. Plus my music editing software was out to get me and did strange things. Last night, I noticed the deadline was today. So I .... spent 10 hours at the computer and DID it. And I feel so proud. But I'm exhausted.
my favorite text moment in a sea of music

There was enough time for some couscous and tofu and salad (ready in 10 minutes, I'm that fast) and a game with the kids. I did one more evening webinar (this time for adults) and because Henry was still awake I read a story from the Wonder Clock to him, while recording, then edited it to send to Agnes.

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