Wednesday, March 4, 2020

theodore's a busy guy (64/365d)

I had a lesson with Elke where we really worked hard on the first movement of Reger. Theodore had two Kalif Storch vorstellungen - one during school, so Brian went to pick him up at 10am, and then one in the afternoon, from which he went straight to playing the pre-concert for prima la musica players - theodore should have played first but he didn't get there fast enough. i went out to wait for him but i kept running between the two streets because I didn't know which direction he would come from. Finally I found him - lots of people hadn't come for their participation in the concert, so it was very short. Theodore played very well, but I think he was uncharacteristically a bit nervous.

Catch up with edward at home while brian does firehub....

hanging out together but apart

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