Thursday, April 2, 2020

april fool's day (92/365d)

today i didn't get a single note of music in.... :( :( :(

....just kidding! april fool's! i basically did nearly nothing but practice

i found my camera outside (oops, it had gotten forgotten on the table over night, good that it didn't rain as predicted)

we did lots of group cleaning up inside and out. and the mail came, and delivered us a brand new RAINSTICK...

trip up kalvarienberg with felix run/walk - we talked about the moon - a half moon high in the sky. to him it looked like a coin being put in a parking meter. he was sure the moon was following him, as though he had a magnet in him. i ran with him, but no, it was not i who could control where the moon went but he. he turned around, "look, i can put it over there!"

meanwhile theodore, henry and brian were up on the plabutsch pretending to be robin hood under the greenwood tree.
to the greenwood
to the greenwood
to the greenwood
greenwood tree!
there was homework and crafting in the evening instead of the morning, and we stayed up way too late (past ten with the kids)

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