Saturday, March 21, 2020

lucky to be out in the sun before the rain (81/365d)

i got a few minutes today alone to do yoga while brian was still asleep, while kids played quietly upstairs. then the four of us played battlesheep until 9am when we could stay indoors no longer and woke brian up and we went for a family outing: A gorgeous (but chilly) bike-ride down the Mur (there were many people, but not nearly as many as yesterday. We stopped in the same place as yesterday and collected more rocks and skipped more rocks. I think we will be there again soon.
theodore and henry went across the little stone pathway several times
as soon as the first person (henry :) ) put his shoes in the water we went home.

Arriving home happy
we were lucky and glad we got out when we did. avoided the late-morning crowds, and the early after noon rain.

it wasn't even noon when we got home, but i was very hungry so i fried up a lot of celeriac pancakes and served them with yogurt-mustard and tons of green salad and left-over potato salad - and guess who loved them? henry! felix like it well enough with the sauce and "hated it" without. 

we read another section of robin hood - brian fell asleep during it, and woke up when we laughed, because he had repeatedly told us he was "awake" but didn't notice me handing off the book to him to read. 

we had a productive amount of cleaning up, where i started the enormous task of organizing our random photocopied sheet music. and then we played *bridge* ..... how lovely!

centa was inspired to take this photo :)
Brian gives some advice
and we played music! more lovely. our fledermaus overture even got stuck in centa's head.
brian got to chat with granny while felix and henry wrestled for "fun" until they cried. then we watched the video of theodore's kalif storch show on private link before bedtime and another manuela chat.

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