Thursday, March 12, 2020

fuchs duo concert was NOT cancelled (72/365d)

Coffee and tea in the sun with brian, - a gorgeous, sunny, warm day

Had to meet with Anselm at the kons to work out paperwork details of maybe finishing some kind of diploma thingy.

Everything is cancelled in all of Graz, except for my concert, where the person in charge can't come (because she's over 65, and banned from going into the Mehrgenerationhaus from now until at least Easter) so I had to be there before 6 to pick up the key. The concert started at 19:30, and we knew every single person in the audience (grand total: helga's husband, thomas' parents and one student, my husband, three kids, and pauli) ..... we filled the room because we placed the chairs a meter apart from each other as per current government regulation.

the only photo today, not mine
because brian forgot my camera i didn't take any photos
Helga read very nicely, Thomas and I played fine ... I was struggling a bit because I had all new strings, because my D-string broke in the afternoon while I was last-minute cramming for the difficult passages.

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