Tuesday, March 24, 2020

low mood day (84/365d)

webinar in the morning in which we worked on writing words so they looked pretty.
and we did homework - henry needed love and support, even though the stuff is way beneath his "level"

we read Honki im Schattenland (which arrived in the mail yesterday, hooray!)

... after dinner, and after Brian got done with work, he also got to read Honki im Schattenland. It's quite adorable.
it's so nice to see Henry and Felix fighting (not too hard) about who gets to read the next page.
I'm wondering if people in corona land are still bothering with dressing nicely, shaving, worrying about their outward appearances, or if they are merely pretending on social media that they are super productive and doing cool things... I feel no connection to the outside world.

A calm game of checkers, while Henry learns to juggle
we didn't get a chance to do any practicing, or any robin hood, or any bridge. :( too bad.
but brian and theodore did get to go for a bike ride/run up and down the mur.
and centa did make a giant cake creation her friends, the couple whose wedding that was supposed to be on saturday has been postponed to next year. the whole house smells like baking and chocolate.

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