Friday, November 30, 2018

last day of september... i mean, october... i mean, november (233/365b)

nina came by this morning! it had been so long since we had time to just sit and have coffee, and i didn't want that restful moment to end. but minutes pass fast, and coffees are soon sipped away.

i love walking past this bicycle parking garage

theodore and i went to rehearsal for thomas' orchestra today. it was very nice, but two kids were so unbearably rude and annoying that my aggressive side was getting hot. thomas is what i would call "too" patient.

then i thought i had rehearsal at 6pm, so i rushed theodore out with me, but it turned out it was at 7pm, so i felt silly, left my stuff there, and decided to take theodore quick to lendplatz and back. the busstation had no sign up, but the lines were still in the road, and the pole was there, i assumed someone had stolen the sign. turns out they had moved the station a few feet farther. the bus didn't stop for us, so we moved to the next station and waited another 15 minutes. eh. i just let theodore go alone this time, since now i would get there at the right time.

rehearsal was sooo good. tomorrow, 9am the next one.

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