Monday, November 5, 2018

little tiny amounts of quality time (209/365b)

got to start the day with a rehearsal at the dom, although i was so tired i could barely see the music. playing a very difficult piece by mendelssohn that i wish i could like, but instead, i don't really like it, it's hard, lots of notes, not one of his best works, and nobody is playing very nicely together.

bridged the gap between theodore's violin lesson and stimmbildung by taking him for dinner. there was so much food though, and so little time, i sent him off after he had had his soup and called brian to send henry to take his place. henry didn't seem to want to eat much, but he and i had so much fun just chatting, and i showed him my reversed lens technique. it was quite nice. i looked through a vegan propaganda magazine, that had an article about vegetarian restaurants of early 20th century vienna.

but first, salad

hard to focus.

andi told me that felix was arguing with ronja about the letters A, E and I, typically difficult to explain that the letters don't have the same name in english and german.

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