Friday, November 23, 2018

too loud (226/365b)

best way to start a gig. champagne, juice, water, dark chocolate
today my quintet played background music for a thing at the TU. we are 5 strings, with occasional drum/cymbal clashes. 
the decan and the people hiring us loved us, (once the decan, who was an amateur trumpet player in his youth, and therefore is described as "the musician" asked us what the atonal sounding piece was that we played before. "tutti frutti" we asked? no, before that. "star wars?" no before that. ummm.... "amar pelos dois?" no... he meant the russian sounding one. umm... we really didn't play a russian sounding one. and definitely nothing atonal. no idea)
the other people thought we were too loud. sometimes. not when it was a piece they were bouncing along to, but then when it wasn't they wanted to talk, and then it was too loud.

we went for persian food afterwards, and were very silly. but i warned barbara, that this was nothing compared to the music high i might be tomorrow night after the concert that we're going to go watch.

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