Saturday, November 17, 2018

brian's back! but i'm gone... (220/365b)

so brian's flight was delayed, and delayed, and delayed. so instead of yesterday evening, he arrived home at nearly 9am, and at 10:50 katja picked me up and i drove to waidhofen on the ybbs for my brandenburg concerto concert weekend.

i hate the drive there. also, katja kept telling me when to shift.

felix teaching papa to finger knit the second he arrives home
rehearsal was really great! and katja's various family members fed me and hosted me.
upon being asked what i wanted for breakfast, i said anything, except i was vegetarian
not trolling at all, the guy said he would pick up rolls and deli meat.
"but she's a vegetarian" protested the wife
"ja, klar, aber ein bisschen wurst geht ja hin und wieder."
("of course, but now and then a little meat is fine.")

not a hotel room, and not my usual settings
but i continue my self-portrait in strange beds series
reading "yes man" which i somehow strongly dislike.
i hope the movie is better

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