Wednesday, November 28, 2018

i LOVE finishing things! (231/365b)

//a little bit adrenaline high from finishing 2 projects back to back yaaaaaaaaaaay!!

one is that i caught up HERE!!! yaaay!

i don't even care that i took a crappy photo today, or that i didn't bother straightening it, or anything. i'm finally caught up!

my glass is full and brian's glass is empty
what does the optimist say to that??
i finished my introduction for my music publishing guy, about klenau's triptykon symphony, which has been haunting me for weeks.

I *didn't* get the required paperwork done for the kids' singschule - i have to get a doctor certification that they are healthy and fine. i chose a new doctor to go to since nobody was open in the afternoon on wednesday. i got there 5 minutes after they opened and there was already a line out the door - 20 patients deep, some with real problems/needs. so we just went home. tomorrow's the absolute deadline, so i kind of have to do that then.

henry desperately wanted to buy wool so that he could learn to knit, so we did that too. he chose the same type and color as theodore. they'll end up being different anyways, i know that.

and i DID go for a run today with brian. my toes were so very cold, but i was so very glad i went.

i had a work evening with kris (thus all the work getting done) and victoria, who i really like, but none of us socialized today, since the point was to get some work done. we contemplated going to swing afterwards. facebook events, and google searches made it impossible for us to really figure out what was happening - a dance or a concert? was there a cover charge? exactly what was happening? and when? so we gave up. no post work drinks. except for at home, just for me and brian, over more work. yay. it just feels so good!

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