Thursday, November 1, 2018

a real day off! (204/365b)

mornings the way they should be....
listening to the kids in the other room deciding on the fairest way to share ingrid's strietzls for breakfast. in the end each one cut a piece of theirs off and saved it for one of the adults. then they tiptoed in and asked if they could go to the dumpster to get cardboard. i asked them (especially in lieu of our neighbors calling the police earlier this week!) to at least wait until after 8am. they waited, went, and then played in the basement, overjoyed to have found not just cardboard, but real plywood too.

i wanted to show them how rivets worked, but i couldn't find them, or figure out how to use them, or both, or ... i just don't know. i guess i have to learn how rivets work first, then i'll show them. they would be very useful for a lot of the projects.

i wanted to go for a walk with Maria after brian's work, but the time changed from 6, to 7, to 9, to 10. we found each other at lendplatz around 10:30 and walked a nice round, i listened to her single-mom child-rearing woes.

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