Sunday, November 18, 2018

smashing success! (221/365b)

breakfast was very austrian, rolls and jam and coffee, all very exactly organized. the second we were finished the table seemed entirely crumb free. i wanted moooore coffee, but when i asked for more they got me a new cup and a new saucer and a new spoon even though i hadn't used the previous spoon, and then after that i didn't want a repeat of that, so i just went without coffee until we brewed a pot at the pre-concert sound check.

katja went running this morning, and i stayed back, and ate a bag of cookies and practiced for my lesson tomorrow.

the church we are playing at is soooo cold. colder than outside, and it's really cold outside. it's the first day of freezing for me this season, so i wasn't even used to it. and i hadn't really packed properly for needing a thousand layers. i had packed carefully to be a fancy dressed soloist.

teeny tiny bit neverous before the concert
when i saw the church was entirely completely densely packed
it went so great though! i warmed myself between times. it was hard to hear each other because of the extreme reverb, but we had a totally rauccous bach time.
afterwards we went to get something at a fancy dinner, but vegetarian options were few. and i really wanted a drink but i had to drive and when we came out of the restaurant it was snowing. katja squealed with delight.

the drive was sooo long and so tedious, and so terrible. i got radar controlled (i think) and over all, i was not comfy with the whole hairpin turns at night on a cold night, in the snow. i was happy to get home.

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