Friday, November 9, 2018

laternenfest and agnes arrives (212/365b)

lantern fest at kindergarten. as everyone keeps telling me: my last one. i am a bit sad to see time passing so quickly.

i spent so much time practicing today, and completely missed out on helping bake for the party with jackie. when theodore and henry got done with school, nina and i met them there, and we wanted to go see the museum that henry had picked out, but that opened at 14:00, and it was slightly past 12. so we went to see the peter rosegger exhibit instead. it was nice, but not quite exactly for children. not that it matters so much, they can also see some non-children-centric stuff once in a while. i think it's also hard to make an exhibit about a writer. there were lots of places where there were headphones and you could listen to small portions of texts.

felix got to play st.martin. the cloak velcros in the back so you can separate it in two
one to give to the man in need

theodore brought one of his old laternen too, because he wanted to be part of the festivities
he's growing up so fast.

beginning our lantern walk

the consensus among the parents was that everything was too short. we had just gotten our little raisin-bread things, and already the kindergarten told us it was time to go home. so we congregated at jackie and andi's, brian and i took the slightly longer way through the woods <3, and when we got there, i made speed pizzas for everyone, and we celebrated our own way.

when we got back the kids went right to sleep, and we grown-ups waited for agnes to arrive. mary left within 2minutes, on tour with her orchestra. 

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