Saturday, November 3, 2018

contemplative in manchester (206/365b)

Come on come on
that's all i ever hear from you
come on come on
like a horse
like a trojan horse

 -aunt frieda, who doesn't know she's a poet

in the morning, the caretaker katrina came, and noticed that in the night frieda had moved all kinds of things, including the telephone. Frieda told me she had had so many bad dreams, and had tried to phone the police because she thought she was being robbed. 

that would explain all the times she woke up in the middle of the night and the two of us crept downstairs together to check everything out. i don't know when she tried to use the telephone though, i wasn't awake for that one.

it would also explain why she was so tired and didn't want to wake up until noon. 

annoyed that i had taken off my wide angle lens right before i left

i played a lot of viola, wrote a lot of belated blog entries (though none as belated as this one) and researched some stuff about paul von klenau with papa's library proxy help from australia. so... in england, researching things for a german publisher about a danish composer (who wrote a german opera based on a british play) and i call my dad in australia to get a copy of a 1926 article published in the new york times which cites klenau speaking to the frankfort zeitung (sic).

i went shopping for some food in the food desert of greater manchester. i found a terrible little liquor store that had some kind of packaged noodles and some very sad looking tomatoes. finally ate again. aunt frieda was still not interested in any food (her last "meal" was tuesday, and very small)

better luck today

played some viola for her in the evening. the stuff she liked the best was some waltz melodies, like the blue danube, and little german childrens songs, like ein mänlein steht im walde. we watched some ballroom dance tv show and then i convinced her to go to sleep at a regular time. she kept asking if it was breakfast time or bed time. honestly, i thought she should be able to chose, i would totally have decided on breakfast time at 8:30pm if she had wanted breakfast, but also, honestly, on the other hand, it would be just too confusing, so i insisted on telling her it was bedtime. she went to sleep with the tv in her bedroom blaring some really creepy tv show about crime investigation, and i was very happy when i got to turn it off. i wanted an ibuprofen but i hadn't brought one and didn't want to go through much stuff to find one. in one medicine cabinet i found some that had expired in 2006 and were perscription strenght so i took half of one to help my poor sad headache. i hope it works. somehow taking really old medicine creeped me out a bit, but it's all the same stuff, right?

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