Thursday, November 22, 2018

thankful!! (225/365b)

happy thanksgiving all!

dig in! (not pictured: a lot more food and a lot more people)
we made it through the 40people day, including a very busy pre-party day. not a holiday in graz, so i had rehearsal, and there was school, chorus, kindergarten and everything else. brian did all the farmers market shopping, and centa had to teach at 8:30am. most of the cooking happened afterwards. isabella helped in the kitchen and then had to leave before the party started. she came for an hour. nina's parents brought her soup while she was still at work. by the time we ate it, there was a decent crowd already, and they were pretty hungry, so that pot of soup didn't last long. manuela and d and kris and nina and i were the last ones left late in the night in the upstairs party. there was more games and fun party stuff going on downstairs, but i didn't have the social energy left to join them.

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