Saturday, November 24, 2018

best concert ever! anywhere! and it's in WELS! (227/365b)

barbara's instagram post
i left my camera in the car
couldn't really have used it anyways
sometimes cell phones are just better
weeeeks ago, i found out il giardino armonico was playing in vienna on a day i couldn't go. and not just them. they were playing with patricia kopatchinskaja and i'm basically completely in love with her. then i found out the last day of their europe tour was today (well, i found this out a while ago) and in wels, which is a tiny town near linz. only 2.5hours by car, in the middle of nowhere. and when i tried to buy the tickets i had to send a personal email to the head of the (newly formed) verein asking to buy the tickets. then they sent me physical tickets in the mail. it was quite funny. i took barbara, or rather she took me. we dressed up fancy and went on a date. it was delightful. 

we laughed and squealed the whole 3 hour concert, drove back, and i was still squeaky and high when i got back.

she had done things with her violin i had no idea how they worked. she did improvisations on vivaldi, and played pieces commissioned for her and the orchestra, all kinds of modern pieces that worked directly back into the baroque. she played *with* the orchestra. the orchestra was absolutely perfect too. the conductor and the soloist left the center and played a wind machine and an aluminum sheet during the "storm" concerto. it was just unbelievable. 

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