Sunday, November 4, 2018

home again home again (208/365b)

got ready to go right away when i got up. frieda was sad to see me go, she cried a few times. i made some palatschinken as best as i could with a terrible pan, fake butter (that's what there is) and some who-knows-how-old flour. i would say on the cooking scale it was nearly british, but ... i think still somehow better than some expensive meals i've had in london.
england's famously bad weather means pretty colors everywhere
some signs i liked in manchester...
as few minutes i had to be just on my own i got to pretend to be a tourist.
my kind of sign.
"this is still a 20mph zone" (in case you forgot)

somehow just funny!
somehow the flight was not too fun, but there was the flight attendant who yelled at me for ordering a coca cola. everyone else for a few rows had ordered one, and it seemed to be very catching. she chose me to yell at. "why do you want to drink that? it's not healthy! do you know what I use coca cola for? to clean my toilet. what is today? drink a coke day?" i started to tell her i never drink coke, and only asked for it because it somehow just sounded good right now because everyone was asking for one, but then gave up trying to defend myself.

stayed up waaaaay too late (after 1, ewww) with jacky and andi, ostensibly to talk about driving logistics, but mostly just to socialize and hang out. too bad tomorrow's not a free day.

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