Saturday, November 10, 2018

more lanterns - now with spontaneity (213/365b)

a rehearsal today seemed like it was really ages long. it was only a few hours, but the people in the orchestra were all in such a bad mood. also i wished i could just have the time to practice on my own. it was cold in the church.

henry made agnes a laterne, so we went on a laternen walk with her, and we collected several kids along the way. maria's kid gabrielle, and michi's kids, and some friends of michi's kids. all in all we were 9 kids and a few adults so we knocked on ingrid's door and sang laterne laterne. yay for spontaneous lanternfest singing (only one day early, although i thought it was one day late)
the moon peaked out between the apartment buildings
so cutely
they were all cold
they hadn't wanted coats.

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