Monday, November 19, 2018

mondays ... they can get busier (222/365b)

it was fuller "in real" (as felix says)
but we watied till after the concert to take a picture
monday stuff, all the stuff, like normal.
so elke also invited me to her concert, where she played music for basson and/or viola, some of it with piano. it was strange but beautiful music. i didn't know until the last minute whether i would go or not. i wanted to take theodore too. also i had planned on going to the school planning committee meeting because i'd never been. the times overlapped. why not just do both? that's what i did. i took theodore there, he was supposed to be doing his homework in the meantime.

the committee meeting was just as terrible as it could have been. a bunch of sad looking moms sitting around a long table, taking votes on whether to have apples or clementines in the st.nicholas sack, with one very exact mom critiquing the vote taker for not asking for nays after a unanimous vote. i was glad to have an excuse to leave. on the way out someone commented that that "poor kid" shouldn't be "dragged along" to a concert "so late" ..... eh. we got home in plenty of time to get him enough rest. 

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