Friday, November 2, 2018

off to auntie frieda's (205/365b)

Looking forward to hiking with manuela and the kids, prosting to pauli's birthday party, and lots of practicing today.
"Why does a woman have such a nice camera and you don't even know how to use it?"
-a. frieda

"Nun ist es also wirklich bald so weit: Tante Frieda schläft ihrem Ende entgegen." .... was the email i got today.

with a sudden change of plans we booked a flight to manchester for me.

after she had gotten over her initial excitement of seeing me it became clear that she was actually doing quite well. she was so tired, but so happy to see me, and I spent the next several hours saying over and over gain who I was, and that I lived in graz. She wanted me to take a photo of us together, and I did, and she didn’t like the photo, nor that I couldn’t get a good one. We said many times that it was time to go to bed, but after I was asleep I heard her getting up over and over again.

talked until late... too late for me even, we went over and over all our family connections. looked at her albums.

i can't believe it
i just can't adam and eve it
they did their part
in populating the world
taught us
taught your mother

and now you.
-aunt frieda, accidental poet

one highlight. she leans back heavily in her arm chair and weakly says "i'm so thirsty" i ask if i can get her water, and she sits right up and says "water? i'd rather die than drink water. you know what i want. get the sherry." so i did. she didn't drink much of it, but it was a very funny little moment.

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