Sunday, November 11, 2018

a day of all the things (214/365b)

yuck. concert in the morning. i took theodore and henry, and they took a very shaky video of me playing a movement of herzogenberg. i ran into distant relatives (erna?) there, and was embarrassed that i wasn't sure who they were right away, mostly because i wasn't expecting to run into anyone i knew. 

i sent the kids home, and took a break alone to drink coffee and have dinner at parks. i sat outdoors, the sun shining warmly, and i took a few long deep breaths to just love the gorgeous weather in november. then a guy asked for directions to premstetten, which is not near here. i gave him a map, which he just opened and closed again, folded the wrong way. then, over a beer, he sat near me, and mumbled things, mostly about his life, and how wrong things had gone today, and how he wanted to throw himself from the next bridge. i didn't have much to say to him other than giving him accurate directions to the train station. when i left, he wanted to go with me. i basically ran all the way to my audition. warmed up a bit. maybe too much. played, it went ok, but not great. i wasn't nervous until halfway through, when the lamp overhead started making weird clicking sounds and i asked to turn it off, and they turned it off, and then it was just... so.... silent. //shudder

home again for a few hours. 

henry and agnes balanced things all day and took pictures of their creations

talking with mama - she'll be back in just a few hours! hooray!
and then that terrible dom concert, where nobody wanted to play well, for some reason. i played much better with my glasses on than i was playing yesterday without them. really, seeing the notes is important. brian's choir mass was over at the exact same time, and we walked back together under the stars. mary was there, and we stayed up late and chatted, but not late enough to say goodbye to brian leaving for london on the 2am flixbus.

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