Wednesday, November 7, 2018

if you don't want to hard enough you won't do it (210/365b)

I wanted to take a picture today, but i had no battery. Then I charged my battery and took my camera with me to a work evening with Kris, but when I wanted to take a picture there I had my card in my computer, and then I was too lazy, also the subject wasn't that amazing, just us sitting in the corner under some gigantic paintings that were being changed. Cafe Erde has this "Freies Atelier" where artists get together once a week and can put whatever art they want on the walls.

In the morning I met up with michi for her birthday. it was breakfast at the kunsthaus cafe. we found tons of stuff that michi said she would be interested in, but in the end i was the only one who stayed past food, and we just walked around the museum store. breakfast there was a "green omelette" with spinach and herbs" and the herbs included cilantro (which i detest) and also the place had never heard of salt. also their coffee was weirdly sweet. i was not impressed. so much for my unpublished yelp review.

i lastenradled the kids to chorus, and when i came back, went directly out again, to meet up with kris. then we went dancing. the band was from vancouver, and played a little bit weirdly for dancing to, but we totally had an awesome time.

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