Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hallo, Wien! (203/365b)

We went for an early walk at the kindergarten today, and got back home just in time henry's cello lesson. that elided right into my trio rehearsal. Marielise brought rum-balls, and my favorite moment was watching Barbara stuff 10 of them in her mouth at once on a dare. We practiced Mozart and Schubert, and then went right to halloween festivities.
a coffee on my knee:
life lesson LXVII: gotta learn to take the good with the bad.

looking with suspicion upon the book of virtues
breaking in his "new" shoes by wearing them in the house
Ronja thinks that halloween is "Hallo, Wien!" and i think that's very cute, although we didn't travel to vienna today. Instead we did something I had been planning since about 2014, watching Hansel and Gretel (the Herman Prey version) with all the kids on halloween. We invited Andi and his two kids, and Kris came too. Centa was working late.
We must have made 1000lbs of pop-corn, it was very ... pop-ular.
the opera was popular too. i was originally a little nervous that the kids would be cranky and restless, since the opera is nearly 2 hours long, and all "real" opera.

the kids dressed in capes and masks they had made themselves, and theodore went over to see ingrid with centa in the evening, bringing back ingrid's very delicious strietzl, traditionally given to one another on all souls day.

in austria, halloween is just not a thing, and we've been here a few years now, and centa a few years before us, and we've never had a single person ring the door bell. this year we had 3 or 4 rings - one at 8, one at 9, and 1 or 2 at 10:30. weird. maybe it will turn into a thing.

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