Saturday, October 3, 2020

wonderful hiking day! (276/365d)

Schoeckl is always wonderful. I'm glad Manuela is here to pull me up a mountain. This time she pulled Edward too, and we all had a fantastic time. 

Before we left, Felix picked us each an apple.

he has to be extra careful, the treehouse is becoming ever more shaky and unstable

We stopped to buy pastries at the turkish bakery right by the bus stop, and we missed the bus, which came a few minutes early. That was one fifteen minute "delay" and the next was a cat we found on the road.

a pheline foto shoot

we found many many mushrooms on the way, but mostly not ones to eat.
some very photogenic ones though

the clouds started to gather and it was incredibly windy at the top. in fact, yesterday, manuela and i had looked up the weather, and had seen it say "orange wind warning" and we had briefly questioned what that meant, and then decided to ignore it.

irma and edward on top of the world

18km, 1000m. not bad for a morning

we also found a festival of styrian music - including alpine horns and whip-rhythm music - and drinks and traditional crafts at the top of the mountain. we didn't stay though, because rain came, and the driving wind convinced us to start our descent quickly.

but this time, manuela didn't have to get out her umbrella. the sun kept coming out, and we had a great time walking back, although the rocks were slippery and there were some minor falls. 

Back in time to wish Agnes a happy birthday of the global-skype variety organized and set up by Centa. Of course Agnes had a party going on and didn't want to talk too long, but we did get a chance to sing tri-continent "we wish you a happy birthday" round.

entertainment this evening was delicious johanisbeer-frizzante (bought at the mountain festival) and a discussion about a rather horrible comment from an acquaintance: "saying trump got corona virus because he didn't wear a mask is like saying that women get raped because they wear slutty clothes"

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