Sunday, October 18, 2020

beginning of the huge library project (291/365d)

Today we started, for better or for worst, our enormous library project of cataloguing and inventorying all our books. 

a tiny subsection of a tiny subsection

a tiny subsection

So far we have scanned isbns, or entered data by hand for those without isbns for nearly 500 books. It's increadible, and we haven't even done a drop in the bucket. Henry absolutely loved the job. He didn't even want to go outside or go for a bike ride or anything else. We also sorted all their music. 

We needed a break though, so brian and i took our three kids up the schlossberg, at first to some complaining, but that disappeared the moment we were walking. It was a lovely time.

Jacky and her kids came by and I took that as a welcome break as well. To just sit outside and chat and watch the kids act shy until it is time to leave, as kids are.

Centa began her "effective immediately" catch canon project by sending out emails to lots of people to sing. we'll see when that gets done. I finished arranging the original jinglebells for quintet.

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