Thursday, October 15, 2020

back and forth and back and forth (288/365d)

One year after we first signed up, Brian wins the award for being the first for making an appointment and keeping it to join the state-sponsored car-sharing program. I should do it too, I know.

i picked up felix from school and took him out to a cafe for some soup. we did homework and had cake and coffee and went to a lesson with brigitta where he learned like magic. he had lots to chat about the whole way. 

He's growing up, but that bowl of soup is still disproportionately big

unfortunately, the whole day i was going back and forth a lot through the town, and it was raining, and there was a lot of waiting around in town for little bits of time.

nina came over in the evening to keep me company peeling 3 kg of chestnuts that ingrid cz had brought over last time, collected in the woods. collecting is so much work. peeling is so much work. and then in the end, it doesn't look like that much..... brian was late to his 9pm work meeting because he graciously took on the job of picking felix up from a madame butterfly rehearsal that ended up getting out quite a bit later than promised.

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