Friday, October 2, 2020

is that a Zizzard or a Nizzard? (275/365d)

Borrowed Jacky's car to take Felix to his first corona test ... way outside the city to a testing center in a tent. It was efficient and fine. Results were in by the afternoon (negative, phew!) ... and dropped my bow off for a much needed rehair.

Since Felix did such a wonderful job, and didn't have any school, nor is he sick, Edward, Brian and I played Wizard - a card game we also borrowed from Jacky) with Felix. He was winning by hundreds of points, and we got to the last round right as Theodore was arriving home. He was waffling between bidding 5 or 6 and finally decided on 6. During the hand, it seemed like he might make only 5, and he started screaming and shouting and kicking that he ONLY bid 5, and why did Brian write down 6? Of course, regardless of what he bid, he was going to win the game no matter what, and really, hey it's just a game. We convinced him to play it out, and he actually made his bid. Then he calmly announced... "6 is ok"

Theodore announced upon the end of the game that his key had broken off in the locker at school. We sent him back to see if he could get a replacement so he could get books for homework, but he came back unsuccessful. I'm not convinced he actually spoke to anyone though. He's very shy.

Henry and Theodore went off to Stattegg after pizza day at the asp. 

Then we adults got our own round of wizard with no tantrums about bidding although we got much worse scores than Felix's from earlier. I warned everyone that they would have trouble telling Z (zauberer cards, take all tricks) from N (narr cards, take no tricks), and they all laughed at me, but then they all had problems telling the Ns from the Zs. 

end of the wizarding round

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