Monday, October 19, 2020

four hand four feet organ practice (292/365d)

My monday was pretty much free from everything. I met Henry to take him out for soup and then to organ. At home there is no way he would eat a single bite of soup, but we were out, and he devoured the entire bowl. Pauli met us at the cafe and ate with us, and bemoaned that he had to work and couldn't go to organ practice with us. Henry and I had a lovely time practicing and then we walked home together.

Henry seriously sweet, centa seriously practicing

Theodore and Edward working on digitizing the VHSs

I made more chestnut pudding, and Nina came over to see us and bring Edward one more VHS to digitize. We sat together and enjoyed the evening, including a viewing of a Lucy show episode about Lucy getting a librarian roommate that we found funny across the age range.

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