Wednesday, October 21, 2020

More V-words (294/365d)

I hate cranky tired horrible morning, because it's hard not to let it set the stage for the rest of the day, and today it was just absolutely a perfect gorgeous day, and it's unfortunate that it had to start with whining, fighting pouting tantrums, also from me. also, i looked through a new book that we had gotten, the one by reif larson about t.s. spivet and found that it had quite a lot of hard swearing in it, that i think cheapens the whole enjoyment of the book. it would otherwise be perfect for kids my kids' age, because they would find the concept interesting with all the marginalia. too bad. they'll have to wait till they're a bit older, and by then it might not be as fascinating.

i took henry's cello across town to get fixed and got back in time to pick felix up from school and take him to his now-weekly corona test. quick and easy and painless. 

centa and edward walked the kids to judo, which bought me a few minutes of breathing room and by the time they were home and we were ready for the evening, and i was in a better mood. 

the look of kids interrupted when they are reading about the history of bicycles on

please be kind: rewind

we collaborated on writing entries for an encyclopedia of only words that start with V as a gift for Nina's brother (for reasons) It was fun and entertaining and a bit addictive, which meant we didn't go to sleep till well past 1am.

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