Saturday, October 17, 2020

perfectly pudding not that kind of pudding (290/365d)

Felix had a Butterfly rehearsal, Henry had a lesson with Nadja and Theodore had boys day which was a pretty busy morning for us. I talked to Nadja about possibly changing to another teacher, which is of course heart-breaking but necessary for consistency. Since she started last year studying in Vienna lessons have been more sporadic and harder to keep track of, and if anybody needs consistency and routine it's Henry. 

Papa, Mary, Centa and I met over skye, and the mail came and we got our first delivery of books for Theodore - so he showed off what he got. Everyone was very adamant that Theodore is not old enough yet for Farenheit 451. Maybe maybe not.

Right to reading the new books!

We did youtube tutorials and learned to draw penrose triangles and then drew lots and lots of them. 

Nina sent me a recipe and I made their special family recipe of chestnut pudding in the form she lent to us. It came out absolutely perfectly.

Something out of a Humperdinck Opera

I had a sudden onset of a terrible headache so I just managed to make some pesto and noodles for dinner and after bedtime and an ibuprofen Centa and Brian and I watched Frank, which was an extremely weird movie that Pauli had recommended 3 weeks ago and now had run out of renewals.

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