Wednesday, October 14, 2020

wie a trucker weihnocht mocht (287/365d)

centa was in salzburg all day - taking the train at 5am, returning at 8pm. perhaps her only day this semester, if lockdowns are truly beginning again. it was an early morning for us too. brian was having his weekly mastermind meeting (celebrating 2 years!) and the city water people rang the doorbell at 7:30 to replace our water meter.

I picked up Felix from school, and rushed him right to his opera-required corona test. He was so fun and chatty and pleasant the whole way. He's really growing up.

it was so cozy at home that I almost forgot to leave for my Buffaloes recording... but I made it (after needing to call Brian for directions, thank goodness for him, he helped me navigate those tiny little one-way Alleyways) ... Then I had to improvise at the studio.... to the tune of will the circle be unbroken, styrian lyrics related to a trucker celebrating christmas.

play anything.....
We celebrated finishing our first song with wine and beer and a toast to musicians who have been ruined by alcohol. 

Another very late Butterfly rehearsal, I waited to pick up Felix for over 20 minutes, and by the time we arrived home he was falling-into-bed tired.

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