Tuesday, October 20, 2020

variously busy (293/365d)

Barely saw Edward or centa all day ... I guess everyone was variously busy.

I went to Barbara's place, where I found a book on a free-books-table by the elevator) to do quintet-social-media-planning, and afterwards we got coffee at Hasnerplatz, at Barista, which is an overpriced chain of coffee-shops that I really dislike. Niko passed by us and stopped by to say hello to us. As I walked myself home across the river, i read a short story from the book, tripping along happily in the sun. 

reading with a remote control
the audio book + the real book seems to really help the reading learning process along
While Brian was at chorus (perhaps the last chorus for a long time, we shall see what the government decides) I had phone chats with Manuela and Bruno and Papa.
"jede landung eine heilige handlung" -opapa

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