Thursday, October 8, 2020

choice and state (281/365d)

maria stopped by and we had a cup of coffee and then went for a nice long walk. meanwhile brian went and gave blood, for the first time, since being denied for so many years in the united states. 

i picked up felix from school and brought him to a piano lesson, at which he threw a silent-tantrum which turned into an angry throw-y tantrum, all of which lasted for nearly two hours. he finally gave up and did his homework with me and then we went home. not exactly the best way to spend an absolutely perfect day.

edward was hard at work on digitizing more things. he found and sent me this oldie...

me and my opapa

Ended the day with the vice presidential debates, which evolved into our debates, with such highlights as "we still have the separation of choice and state" -centa 

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