Monday, October 12, 2020

mother seeks time alone (285/365d)

Finished reading the Shipping News before my 11am Elke lesson. Played 5 measures of Bach. So happy I know her. She always knows where to dig to make my playing better. Dowsing rod.

Saw Nina on the way home. Stopped with her for coffee at Tribeka.

Looked for good books to buy for Theodore, who is pretty much out of reading material. Found lots, and ordered several titles online. Found some great vintage kids books online at for Henry and Felix too.

"Prince Ring" illustrated by Etienne Delessert
everyone has to be done with the page before we scroll father

Had a Buffaloes rehearsal - we only played one song. Will the circle be unbroken, with new styrian dialect text about christmas. we are preparing for recording on wednesday.

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