Sunday, October 25, 2020

25 hour day (298/365d)

i LOVE the "fall back" part of daylight savings time. I spend my 25th hour over and over again - refusing to set my watch until the next day. unfortunately this day was clouded by extreme back pain, so although theodore and brian went to the plabutsch for a hike, and edward and other kids at asphalt football playground to play tennis and soccer, and the weather was absolutely gorgeous, i just stayed home. i did bake a cake - very slowly, because i was inspired. 

pauli for cake and wizard, gone because it got dark

After Pauli had gone home.

and then, to felix's great delight, we watched the great race - having apple pie during the epic pie fight scene. it was a bit late for bedtime, but it was worth it. 

bruno sent me a new composition - the first one that used the viola sound samples that i had sent him. his synthesizer, some soprano sounds and me.

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