Wednesday, October 7, 2020

awaking to the smell of fresh baked bread (280/365d)

Really full day... wich started with the smell of fresh baked bread. i made the dough last night. Brian baked rolls for lunch this morning and took them out during his mastermind meeting.

who said men can't multitask

nice long walk with brian on our own, ending with him dropping me off for coffee and croissant at schwalbennest with pauli, where we were completely alone and discussed everything from bob dylan to godwin's law.

edward took theodore on a walk to kalvarienberg, and felix got fitted for a wig at the opera (just in case, they aren't sure he'll need one)

two layers of saran wrap and a LOT of clear tape.

i walked all over creation for things theodore still needs for school. i still needed gloves (that fit perfectly) and ear-protection, and ended up far away at a home-improvement store. somehow i suddenly needed a broom.

then i needed a self-portrait
reading murakami' hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world
wearing a mask
carrying a broom
and a bag from the reijks' museum.
i am not sad with how this photo turned out

i forgot all about caroline's pickwick club, and we just caught the tail end it before we watched the beginning of the court jester after three days of everyone practicing without being reminded more than once. i call that a success.

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