Friday, October 9, 2020

beauty is in the eye of the beholder (282/365d)

slept in quite late for us, but didn't feel very rested. picked up felix from school early to take him to yet another corona test. the test was at the theater (the schauspielhouse) and we were 10 minutes early, so he did his homework on the steps before we went in. the test took only a few seconds then we walked back to school through the schlossberg tunnel and picked up henry. we biked home, and as we biked past the construction site two streets away from home i noticed how crazy the sky looked. i biked back to the spot with my camera.

it somehow looked really nice to me

all day i wanted to bake cookies with edward and felix. finally i sent edward a text that said "cookies?!" and he said "i'll be up in 10 minutes" and i wrote back "haha i'll be done by then" and he said "challenge!" ... he was up in 6 minutes, and i was dropping the cookies onto the cookie sheet. I think I won. then the doorbell rang, and nina was there! i havne't seen her in so long and we immediately popped some bubbly (sparkly luna prosecco) to celebrate the reunion. 

we all finished watching the court jester and brian put the kids to bed as the rest of us stayed up and hung out a bit (but not too late!)

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