Thursday, October 22, 2020

wikipedia superpowers level up (295/365d)

another day of shortened alone time because i left early enough to pick up felix from school and take him out for soup, homework and piano lesson. brigitta came out of the piano lesson beaming - felix had listened so well, played so nicely, and was learning so fast! we went home with just enough time for felix to leave again to go to singschule. it's a bit crazy sometimes with scheduling. 

i went to the wikipedia editing evening at nina's work, and worked on a new entry for jean defrees kellogg. at the end i pressed publish, and it published instantly, which means i have the power to create new entries without them first being vetted. - that's cool!

nina and i went out afterwards, for greek tapas and we hung out there alone for a nice long time. brian joined us just in time to say goodnight to nina, and brian and i had a few evening minutes together and a walk home.

nina's photo through the window

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